Guiding a tanker into the Fore River

Tug boats guide a tanker through Hingham Bay and into the Fore River:

fore river

It is not very often that tankers come into the Fore River terminal, as they more usually head up into Chelsea or East Boston. I saw this one the other morning on the way to work.

This is a narrow passage, which involves navigating through the harbor and up into the river. Then, large tankers like this must fit under a lift bridge  (the Route 3a bridge between Weymouth and Quincy).

The tanker moves past Peddock’s Island. Nice view of the city in the background. Note the use of two tugs:

boston harbor

A tug boat holding the tanker’s stern against the backdrop of a blue sky Boston Harbor morning. It is interesting that with some of these heavier tankers, two tug boats must be used: one pulling the bow, one on the stern being dragged:

fore river

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